ELIO Art Expo presents the latest existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRE" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
The website poster-collector.com proposes to amateurs and collectors, exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, size, printing technique ...
Posters reproduction ...
ELIO Art Expo presents the latest existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRE" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
The website poster-collector.com proposes to amateurs and collectors, exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, size, printing technique ...
Posters reproduction paintings become "Collectors"
The King Khursau in front the Palais of Chirin Masterpiece of persian artPrint in Belgium
L’Autre Muséeen librairie: L’Art contemporain en collection de poche© L’Autre Musée 103 rue Lafayette 75010 ParisGraph 2000 SA, imprimé en italie
Galerie M.G. Lorette 34, rue Saint Louis en l’IleExposition du 17 septembre au 13 octobre 1996
Galerie Jean-Pierre Lavigne 15, rue Saint-Louis en l’Isle Paris 4 27 septembre - 12 novembre 1983Editions Ligne SA - Distribution Le Chapitre
Galerie Jean-Pierre Lavigne 15, rue Saint-Louis en l’Isle Paris 4 8 - 31 décembre 1981
American Academy in Rome 1983-1984 Fields of Award: School of Fine Art: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Musical CompositionSchool of classical studies: ....
Louis K Meisel GalleryPublished & distributed by Bruce McGaw Graphics Inc.New York and Judith L. Posner Associates
Affiche international 92, cours Julien / 13006 Marseille / France All rights reserved 84 - Printed in France
Published by THE LABOUR PARTY, London printed by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Ltd, London
Published by THE LABOUR PARTY, London printed by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Ltd, London