ELIO Art Expo presents the latest existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRE" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
The website poster-collector.com proposes to amateurs and collectors, exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, size, printing technique ...
Posters reproduction ...
ELIO Art Expo presents the latest existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRE" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
The website poster-collector.com proposes to amateurs and collectors, exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, size, printing technique ...
Posters reproduction paintings become "Collectors"
O.K. Harris May 1-22, 1982 83 West Broadway NYC 10012<br/>Printed in Sweden, published by Spab, Box 2075, 103 12 Stockholm
Galerie Beaubourg 23 rue du Renard ParisImprimerie Tourneville - Gentilly - France
nach Tischbein "Goethe in der Campagna"© Insel Verlag Frankfurt am Main 1982
November 7-81 - January 2-82Morris Museum Morris Town New JerseyPrinted in Norway, puiblished by SPAB - Stockholm
SMALL FOLK a generation of childhood in AmericaMuseum of American Folk art & the New York Historical Society Dec.12-Feb.1, 1981
© 1894 Guernica Arte / Marco Bravura "Point in Light" Distribuzione Silvio Zamorani / Grafica: Giuliana Einaudi e Mario Claudio TroiaFotofolio: Litho Art / Stampa: Arti Grafiche Roccia Torino
Galerie Naïfs et Primitifs 9, rue du Dragon, Paris 6 du 22 novembre au 12 Janvier 1980, tous les jours de 13 à 21 heures sauf lundi
FIAC 1981 Galerie Jean de Maere BruxellesCesare Rancilio Editeur29, rue Hippolyte-Maindron 75014 ParisHuile sur toile 97 x 130, 1981