The last existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRER" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
Exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, dimensions, printing technique ...
Posters of photographs, became "Collectors".
The last existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRER" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
Exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, dimensions, printing technique ...
Posters of photographs, became "Collectors".
November 13 - December 4, 1982O.K. Harris383 West Broadway NYC 10012Printed in Sweden, published by Spab, Box 2075, 103 12 Stockholm
The Dance, Sicily, 1980published and distributed by Catch productionsdomstraat 5-13, 5312 ja utrecht, the netherlands, 030-311269printed by peter szulc, utrecht, the netherlands
Published & distributed by Bruce McGaw graphics, Inc. New York
Instruments courtesy of theatre Music Co, San DiegoPublished & distributed by Front Line Graphics Inc., San Diego
Instruments courtesy of theatre Music Co, San Diego Published & distributed by Front Line Graphics Inc., San Diego
McDowell Gallery - Toronto - CanadaPublished & distributed by Bruce McGaw Graphics, Inc., NY
Bruce McGaw Graphics - Sith Anniversary - September 20-28, 1984
Published by Chromaline, PO. Box 623 Bellevue, WA 98109 Colour separation: Colour Service N.W. Inc 503 Lenora, Seattle, WA 98121.Printer: Agency N.W. Inc. Printed in USA