The last existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRER" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
Exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, dimensions, printing technique ...
Posters of photographs, became "Collectors".
The last existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRER" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
Exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, dimensions, printing technique ...
Posters of photographs, became "Collectors".
Published/distrubuted by Croma Line Inc. Printed by Atomic Press, SeattleColor separation: CVolor Control, Redmond, WAPrinted in USA
The photographic art of French postcard c.1925 Published & distributed by Bruce McGaw Graphics Inc. New York, 1980
1932 Studios Harcourt 1984 9 rue de la Paix Paris© L’Affiche international - Studios Harcourt - Paris - 1984 - Printed in France
Photograph © Carmine Macedonia 1983 Published by Chroma Line, PO. Box 623 Bellevue, WA 98109
John Szoke Graphics - New York © John Szoke Graphics, Inc Published and distributed by Bruce McCaw Graphics, Inc, New York
From an important european collection Exhibition curated by Anne Marie Descamps, expertise by Henri Kamer Robert Miller Gallery, 724 Fifth Avenue, New York 10019
published and distributed by catch productions, domstraat 5-13, 3512 ja utrecht, the netherlands - printed by peter szul