The last existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRER" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
Exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, dimensions, printing technique ...
Posters of photographs, became "Collectors".
The last existing stock of Art and collectible posters, made and printed by the famous editions "LE CHAPITRER" in Paris between 1972 and 1987.
Exceptional posters by theme, artist name, description, date, dimensions, printing technique ...
Posters of photographs, became "Collectors".
Designers - Carverhiull, Russell & Timmerman designLithographers - Proving SpecialitiesPublisher - Lipman Puiblishing Inc.
Instruments courtesy of theatre Music Co, San DiegoPublished & distributed by Front Line Graphics Inc., San Diego
Published by Yuri Dojc Inc. Distributed by Poster Editions 2409 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4P-2E7 416 481-2229Printed in Canada
US Distribution, Chromaline, PO. Box 623 Bellevue, WA 98109 European Distribution, Le Chapitre 36, rue Saint Louis en l’Ile Paris 75004Artwork Nick Newton-Dunn. Printed in France
©1984 Silvio Zamorani Editore Via Sobrero 16 Torino Italy Grafica: Giulina Einaudi e Mario Claudio TroiaFotolito: Litho art Torino - Stampa: Arti Grafiche Roccia Torino
Published by Yuri Dojc Inc. Reproduced by Colourgraph Reproduction Systems Inc, TorontoPrinted in Canada
Published & distributed by Bruce McGaw Graphics Inc, New York
© 1984 Silvio Zamorani EditoreVia Sobrero 16 Torino Italy Grafica: Giulina Einaudi e Mario Claudio TroiaFotolito: Reprotecnica - Stampa: Arti Grafiche Roccia Torino